Saturday, August 17, 2024

A New Zealander for all seasons - Wellington’s Kim Dotcom fights extradition to the United States with $500 million in a global trade off

 A New Zealander for all seasons - Wellington’s Kim Dotcom fights extradition to the United States with $500 million in a global trade off

The Kim Dotcom - Destiny fanatic is a proud sponsor of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and has whole heartedly echoed Krem­lin argu­ments that the war in Ukraine could spark nuc­lear disaster.

His recent media statements :

“I love New Zea­l­and. I’m not leav­ing,” from the Destiny fanatic Kim on Thursday.

“I would do it all over again,” he said, while describ­ing the US gov­ern­ment as “crim­inal”.

New Zealand police are quite reckless, raiding his mansion, his future still in lingo.

New Zea­l­and’s justice min­is­ter had signed an order to extra­dite Dot­com, the founder of a large online platform popular in Europe and wealthier countries such as United States — Megaup­load file-shar­ing sys­tem was great for Kim it gave his company millions of dollars as a New Zealand citizen, illegal in the United States, but he found a great life in New Zealand.

New Zealand can only support simple tasks such as search orders, the FBI requested the raid of his home, New Zealand police failed , in a cover up, in 2024, an extradition order was requested.

12 Years Ago - somewhere in New Zealand.