Thursday, February 1, 2024

New Zealand ranked third in 2024 for sophisticated state wide corruption by International Watchdog

According to International watchdogs , New Zealand is now third on the list for the most sosphiticated, state wide corruption, on the International corruption and Transparency index.
Much more common for New Zealand is to acquire cheap labor from overseas - China, offshore remote workers, who build sophisticated financial , criminal gain, bribery. New Zealand government departments are acquiring this kind of assistance to further enhance the landscape of New Zealand in a modern sosphicated scandal for the country.

What is the reason so many top officials in this country who are being caught for bribery, corruption and scandals, in the New Zealand government. Sitting at third place on the international corruption list, just reveals how deep and statewide this problem is. These government projects are falling into scams, and fraud - categories. While the government has billions to spend, it's profits are falling into the top officials pockets in New Zealand whether affiliated with the government or on a private level they are doing the work for this country.

New Zealand’s complicity in international fraud was also exposed by the 2016 Panama Papers, which labeled New Zealand as a tax haven. NZ has also been linked in the multi-billion-dollar Malaysian 1MDB fraud.

Most of which in 2024 can be categorized as illegal. You might have heard of the illegal occupation of some other country, what is not obvious, is the same thing is happening in 2024 in New Zealand, a massive statewide scandal, the illegal acquisition of foreign investment in this country, where the chances are you being cheated by some New Zealander for your home, food, city.

In 2020, the SFO reported that it had seen a 40% increase in cases involving public officials and central and local governments in the past five years, for corruption and serious crimes.

To summarize it in 2024 the corruption is so bad, New Zealand is losing it's grip, a major challenge for your home, lifestyle, and job, the reason why New Zealand is now third on the list , based on the previous year 2023 it was seen as a failure, to fund anti-corruption efforts which would threatens NZ standing. And now in 2024 they are third on this list for corruption on the Global transparency index.

Transparency International, that has compiled the annual Corruption Perceptions Index, and other corporate compliance watchdogs.

Aotearoa has fallen to third in the latest global corruption rankings, according to Transparency International's newest report, and as reported by local media.

New Zealand is in violation of multiple international laws and agreements. 

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They have the highest gang members and corruption in the world.

That’s why it’s called New Zealand - today they are so corrupt - the NEWS does not come out. (The Truth does not come out - it’s covered up, corruption. It’s very corrupt in New Zealand.)

There’s too many people pretending to be genuinely concerned in New Zealand, that’s why you don’t get much international news here.. that’s why you have to watch Maori Television in New Zealand, nobody understands what’s going on here. It’s not the Maori, it’s the islanders.