Sunday, September 8, 2024

Did you know in China and India (+ Asia) their people used to sell their liver and kidney for an iPhone?

Did you know in China and India (+ Asia)  their people used to sell their liver and kidney for an iPhone - they now work in the healthcare system in Australia, New Zealand and America and Europe.

There is about 50+ million casualties each year from global crisis.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Wellington’s Wet Weather…How much for the farm..?

Wellington’s Smurf Wars.. (Wet Weather)… How much for the farm..? 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

A New Zealander for all seasons - Wellington’s Kim Dotcom fights extradition to the United States with $500 million in a global trade off

 A New Zealander for all seasons - Wellington’s Kim Dotcom fights extradition to the United States with $500 million in a global trade off

The Kim Dotcom - Destiny fanatic is a proud sponsor of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and has whole heartedly echoed Krem­lin argu­ments that the war in Ukraine could spark nuc­lear disaster.

His recent media statements :

“I love New Zea­l­and. I’m not leav­ing,” from the Destiny fanatic Kim on Thursday.

“I would do it all over again,” he said, while describ­ing the US gov­ern­ment as “crim­inal”.

New Zealand police are quite reckless, raiding his mansion, his future still in lingo.

New Zea­l­and’s justice min­is­ter had signed an order to extra­dite Dot­com, the founder of a large online platform popular in Europe and wealthier countries such as United States — Megaup­load file-shar­ing sys­tem was great for Kim it gave his company millions of dollars as a New Zealand citizen, illegal in the United States, but he found a great life in New Zealand.

New Zealand can only support simple tasks such as search orders, the FBI requested the raid of his home, New Zealand police failed , in a cover up, in 2024, an extradition order was requested.

12 Years Ago - somewhere in New Zealand.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Do we have to dance to the haka to watch some black woman play for the rugby team in New Zealand?

Do we have to dance to the haka to watch some black woman play for the rugby team in New Zealand?

No, you don’t have to dance the haka to watch the Black Ferns play rugby in New Zealand! The Black Ferns are New Zealand’s premier women’s rugby team, and they’re incredibly successful. They’ve won Rugby World Cup titles in 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2017, and most recently in 2021 (played in 2022) 1. So, if you’re a rugby fan, you can simply enjoy watching their impressive performances without any dance requirements! πŸ‰πŸŒΏ

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Dark History of New Zealand’s Destability and Current Conflicts

The Dark History of New Zealand’s Destability and Current Conflicts

A Complex and Painful History.. and Lessons for the Current Generation

The genocide of the Moriori people by mainland Māori is a tragic and undeniable part of the country's past. It's a painful and complex issue that has had lasting impacts on the Māori people and the nation as a whole.

The subsequent colonization by Europeans also led to significant injustices and suffering for the Māori population.Policies of land confiscation, forced resettlement, and cultural suppression caused immense harm.

It's important to acknowledge these historical atrocities and to understand the ongoing impact they have on Māori communities today. New Zealand has made efforts towards reconciliation and addressing the legacy of these past wrongs,but there's still much work to be done.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

ONE NZ (Formerly Vodafone New Zealand) - Should be called Infratil CA πŸ‘ŽπŸ»

ONE NZ (Formerly Vodafone New Zealand) - Should be called Infratil CA πŸ‘ŽπŸ»

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Why Doesn‘t Christopher Luxon take all these people in Auckland and put them on the Metro Bus? Do you still get your $1 flights in New Zealand?

It’s so hard to get good service in New Zealand in 2024

Why Doesn‘t Christopher Luxon take all these people in Auckland and put them on the Metro Bus? Do you still get your $1 flights in New Zealand?  If this is a rainbow country, what the f*** are they flying on Air New Zealand? 

It’s so hard to get good service in New Zealand in 2024, it takes a scientist to remind them Auckland is based on 53 dormant volcanoes, you wake up to overpriced everything in Auckland. 

They also don’t quite understand Oxford, Cambridge or any other english in Auckland. 


Finally is Christopher Luxon — Donald Trumps cousin, did he buy all the properties in New Zealand for $1 billion?

One New Zealand Scam πŸ‘ŽπŸ» 

One Dollar Flights - One New Zealand —-> One Dollar New Zealand Scam Country  πŸ‘ŽπŸ» 

Friday, May 31, 2024

The Rejected People of New Zealand - How do you get a refund from the All Blacks?

The Rejected People of New Zealand - How do you get a refund from the All Blacks?

Jacinda >>> WHAT THE F*** IS THIS WAITANGI DAY? JACINDA YOU ARE UNDER-EVALUATED ! There’s too many people pretending to be genuinely concerned in New Zealand, that’s why you don’t get much international news here.. that’s why you have to watch Maori Television in New Zealand, nobody understands what’s going on here. It’s not the Maori, it’s the islanders.



One New Zealand Scam πŸ‘ŽπŸ» 

One Dollar Flights - One New Zealand —-> One Dollar New Zealand Scam Country  πŸ‘ŽπŸ»

Payment Delays:

  • If you believe your payments are being unfairly delayed, consider reaching out to the relevant authorities, such as the Ministry of Social Development (MSD). They can investigate and provide guidance.
  • Additionally, New Zealand has imposed sanctions on Russia in response to their illegal invasion of Ukraine. These sanctions are aligned with those of like-minded countries from Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America. If you're experiencing payment delays related to international sanctions, it's crucial to seek clarification.

2. Human Rights and International Agreements:

  • New Zealand is committed to upholding human rights. The country's parliamentary democracy ensures free and fair elections, and civilian authorities maintain effective control over security forces.
  • The Geneva Conventions Act 1958 enables New Zealand to give effect to certain international conventions, including the Geneva Conventions.
    It punishes offenders who commit grave breaches of these conventions or their protocols.
  • New Zealand's human rights record is periodically reviewed by the United Nations Human Rights Council through the Universal Periodic Review
    (UPR). The UPR assesses the country's compliance with human rights standards.

3. UN Sanctions and Compliance:

  • New Zealanders must fully comply with UN sanctions regulations. Breaching these regulations is a criminal offense.
  • The country's legal framework ensures adherence to international agreements and obligations, including those related to human rights and the
  • Geneva Conventions.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Spark is not Sparking, there’s no Telecom, it’s just One.NZ (Do not delete my promo)

Spark is not Sparking, there’s no Telecom, it’s just One.NZ (Do not delete my promo)

One New Zealand Scam πŸ‘ŽπŸ» 

One Dollar Flights - One New Zealand —-> One Dollar New Zealand Scam Country  πŸ‘ŽπŸ» 

One.NZ (Do not delete my promo) 

One.NZ replaced everyone in Vodafone NZ 

Regarding One.NZ (formerly Vodafone New Zealand), it’s a telecommunications company, and while it may have faced challenges or controversies, it’s crucial to recognize that not all employees are involved in criminal activities. In any large organization, there will be a mix of individuals with varying levels of integrity and responsibility.

If you have specific concerns or issues related to One.NZ or any other organization, I recommend addressing them through appropriate channels, such as customer service or legal avenues.

New Zealand has a diverse population not all of them represent One.NZ (formerly Vodafone New Zealand) seek legal advice against misleading information from One.NZ customer support.

One.NZ controversies (incorrect billing on their broken App for Android , Apple. Lack of communication with customers and no contract details for sign up for plans with or without new phones from their sales team in One.NZ (or offshore support in India and Philippines).

Back when people were still learning to speak English in New Zealand - Telecom used to provide contracts and notifications, One.NZ does neither. They have started scam calls from their call centre in Philippines and India, and overcharge customers, and action needs to be taken against them. They even delete your interest free promo, and sell you your phone at the wrong price from the call centre.

One.NZ is breaching their obligations and duties by running a scam from their call centre, no contracts, no emails stating the promo, they are breaching their obligations and duties, with their offshore workers, who are careless and reckless. This is the biggest scam in the country after New Zealand lost the world cup.

The One.NZ App on your phone was added after they added the promo!

And the promo on the App is not what the promo was from the sales team in the Indian and Filipino call centre. You should never order your phone from the sales team from their call centre! It’s even the wrong color. One.NZ (Filipinos) won’t even give you a new modem, they still think it’s 2018 (The Covid lockdown) 😠

New Zealand is also now not winning the rugby World Cup. Must be Mainland China.

England is the real Mc Coy.

New Zealand is in violation of multiple international laws and agreements. 

Study more Maori. Fly Maori Airways ☑️

These bastards deleted my promo and sent me a $500 bill, on my interest free plan. 


RITA ORA. KIA ORA - They have the world’s worst customer service (Aotearoa)

The people of Auckland lost the Rugby World Cup in 2023 for the People of New Zealand, New Zealand has One of the World's Worst Customer Service. Not a Champion Country, a country without Nominees.

I hinga te iwi o Tamaki Makaurau i te Ipu Whutuporo o te Ao i te tau 2023 mo nga Tangata o Aotearoa, kei a Aotearoa tetahi o nga Ratonga Kiritaki Kino rawa atu o te Ao. Ehara i te Whenua Toa, he whenua kaore he Tautapa.

Nothing working, their support team generated four five wrong bills for one interest free plan they cancelled, multiple wrong bills by bad bad worst customer service (Aotearoa)

Monday, April 8, 2024

New Zealand is still outdated - The People of Auckland (New Zealand) are like the Chinese government

New Zealand is still outdated - The People of Auckland (New Zealand) are like the Chinese government

In New Zealand they use Chinese doctors and offshore doctors due to shortages in the New Zealand public health care system. The number 1 profession in New Zealand is nurses for the public health care system. They also let patients die in the emergency waiting room, before they can be seen by a doctor, in Auckland. They perform blotch surgeries and misdiagnose patients in the public health care system, and are the most disreputable country in this part of the world. Their nurses and doctors also speak limited or no English.

Most people go overseas for their medical needs and are treated with the highest quality, when they become aware of New Zealand's malpractice in the public health care.
This is all included in the New Zealand public health care services for free, in Auckland, and they drug you for years with a misdiagnosis, and a consultation from a doctor that is hired from offshore to mistreat you. The biggest concern is their low quality doctors are paid for 10 minute consultations to misdiagnose you in this country, in the public health care system. And their doctors and nurses are mostly trainee doctors and nurses, without any specialists in this country.

The emergency services also believe having health insurance in New Zealand has no benefit or is any better than getting seen at the public hospital during an operation or emergency. Their hospitals are understaffed, have no beds, and lack quality doctors and nurses. No decent human being would want to be mistreated or misdiagnosed in the New Zealand public health care system. These emergency services also mistreat patients by taking them to the hospital that has no beds or doctors to see you. They lie in the emergency services and are responsible for malpractice and human rights violations in the New Zealand public health care system.

New Zealand’s malpractice and drugging and mismanagement, misdiagnosis in the local public health care has been going for the last decade and more.
New Zealand is a disreputable country! The big pharma (pharmaceuticals) sell their drugs in New Zealand and they make money, the rich get richer, like their government —- the biggest monopoly in this country.

In New Zealand - funded by the local government the hospitals and clinics are very lowly rated, with a large population in Auckland, the poor quality service in these hospitals, clinics and doctors, is very apparent in 2024. These emergency services funded by the local government - the IPCA - Independent Police Conduct Authority of New Zealand  - DIRTY COPS of New Zealand funded by the New Zealand government πŸ‘ŽπŸ»

Many of these hospitals, doctors and clinics are so low ranked, that they get 0 to below 1 star. 

They are Shortland Street! (Malpractice is a profession in New Zealand)

New Zealand is more akin to Fiji in terms of healthcare, this is their problem, these are the representatives for this country.

There’s too many people pretending to be genuinely concerned in New Zealand, that’s why you don’t get much international news here.. that’s why you have to watch Maori Television in New Zealand, nobody understands what’s going on here. It’s not the Maori, it’s the islanders.

Friday, March 29, 2024

New Zealand government is double crossing me before my birthday

 New Zealand government is double crossing me before my birthday and my family is in the hospital 

Kia Ora

NEVER TRUST a new zealand government 

They build cows sheds for a living

Nga Mihi


New Zealand is in violation of multiple international laws and agreements. 
Study more Maori.

New Zealand is in violation of multiple international laws and agreements. 

Study more Maori. Fly Maori Airways ☑️

They have the highest gang members and corruption in the world.

That’s why it’s called New Zealand - today they are so corrupt - the NEWS does not come out. (The Truth does not come out - it’s covered up, corruption. It’s very corrupt in New Zealand.)

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

New Zealand’s Two Dollar Fish and Chips Shop is actually a Chinese Restaurant

You don’t get much choice in New Zealand.

New Zealand’s Two Dollar Fish and Chips Shop is actually a Chinese Restaurant.

There is more Chinese in New Zealand per capita than there is in United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)

Some of them can serve food at $30 a plate. They also uses the cheapest cooking materials to make your meal!

The street food in New Zealand, “restaurant” is really a local version of your 60s fish and chips shop.

New Zealand is heavily reliant on the ‘junk food’ - restaurant industry, across the country.

It may not be healthy, but that may be your only option in this country.

Some of these restaurants may not have any english speakers or any english language skills in New Zealand.

Monday, March 4, 2024

After Canada Acquired Vodafone New Zealand - it’s called One NZ

After Canada Acquired Vodafone New Zealand - it’s called One NZ

The big giant Vodafone New Zealand is much less reliable, after the brand name change.

Their team of Indians and Filipinos, are not delivering as promised.

In fact they over price their internet service, whether cellular or broadband (Fibre).

They have no 5G coverage in the country, except for the small areas of town, like a particular area where they installed the Tower.

Their 5G is so slow, it drops to 3G.

They also started to discontinue 3G in this country. Major parts of Auckland, where people live and stay have no One New Zealand cellular reception. The country must be careful to adopt what they are charging their customers for.

What they are doing is using these indian sales people in India to offer you a promotion for say $99, and then bill you 6 times what the promo was, i.e $600.

One New Zealand also won’t give you modems, because the Philippines team are arrogant and make life harder for Kiwis. They lie to their customers using foreign support in Philippines and India.

If you call their One NZ support line, they have a different person speaking, it sounds like a Maori bot, who wants to help you, but it’s actually Indians and Filipinos in a foreign country, who don’t really care anymore.

A few weeks later, One NZ (formerly Vodafone New Zealand) that cheats customers and rarely keeps their word, has increased the price on their plans by $5, They don’t have 5G cellular coverage, oh but the prices keep going up in New Zealand. Unlike bigger countries in New Zealand these people change prices whenever they feel like. Oh and the prices go up next month.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The hidden Agenda of the New Zealand government - 500 plus staff removed from Health NZ

The hidden Agenda of the New Zealand government - 500 plus staff removed from Health NZ 

These New Zealand health care services, rarely reveal their layoffs ? What is Te Whatu Ora?

It’s the governments free health care system for their local population in New Zealand.

They control the District Health Boards in New Zealand.

They are reported for human rights violations in New Zealand public health care.

New Zealand is more akin to Fiji in terms of healthcare, this is their problem, these are the representatives for this country. They use uneducated , unqualified nurses and doctors from the following countries fiji (black), tonga (black), maori (black), islander unidentified (black) , local police (blacklisted) —- europe (unidentified white resident,sweden (white),romania (couple), russians, chinese (not speak english), philippines) (uneducated europeans and offshore workers). Their healthcare workers drive white cars and kill people under their old jobs. Their hospitals understaffed and they drug and kill patients with big pharma…drug deals, happening every day in New Zealand..There is a village population in New Zealand, the World Health Organization is always cleaning the mess up for the last two decades, not much else to see in this country..they have their own problems..

Some of these hospitals are bogus destinations, example you take an ambulance to go to Waitakere Hospital in Auckland, there is a black nurse waiting there, he tells you go to White Cross, then they make you wait there for 10 hours to see the doctor, and let everyone else inside. 

They also first tell you they do not have beds, or doctors (less than 3 at their hospital) - based on what the black nurse and nurses (The manager at the hospital is a black woman). This is what they are doing at these public health care facilities.  You sit there for 10 hours with zero patients, and the triage nurse lets everyone else in — as soon as it becomes your turn, except you, and you came by ambulance to that hospital, and they don’t even give you or name tag at the hospital, until you have sat there for 10 hours. They rotate their nurses, some black and some filipinos.

They then discharge you without taking you inside, and call security on you, to get rid of you. When you go to White Cross, they may say they cannot treat you and send you back to the low quality hospital in New Zealand.

The hospital security guard says it’s not our problem if you die, get going, or we will trespass you. You maybe dying, but that’s not their problem, in Auckland public health care.

The Ambulances fees $98 to a hospital that would rather see you die, than take you to the emergency ward, and has the meanest people working for them. They are reckless in New Zealand Waitakere hospital (Waitemata DHB).

In New Zealand - funded by the local government the hospitals and clinics are very lowly rated, with a large population in Auckland, the poor quality service in these hospitals, clinics and doctors, is very apparent in 2024. These emergency services funded by the local government - the IPCA - Independent Police Conduct Authority of New Zealand  - DIRTY COPS of New Zealand funded by the New Zealand government πŸ‘ŽπŸ»

Many of these hospitals, doctors and clinics are so low ranked, that they get 0 to below 1 star.

They are Shortland Street! (Malpractice is a profession in New Zealand)

 There’s too many people pretending to be genuinely concerned in New Zealand, that’s why you don’t get much international news here.. that’s why you have to watch Maori Television in New Zealand, nobody understands what’s going on here. It’s not the Maori, it’s the islanders.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

New Zealand uses cheap Chinese and foreign labor, not much is certified in the country, the government runs a scam

New Zealand uses cheap Chinese and foreign labor, not much is certified in the country, the government runs a scam

Their pre-historic homes, not much is certified in this country, like the Christchurch earthquake, the country, is built on poor foundations, and much of the work done in this country, was a substitute for the real thing. The government employs people without much accreditation and builds on robbing the people for their land and homes.

Unlike more modern countries, they are using cheap labor and much of this is uncertified. You spend millions for a pre-historic home in New Zealand, chances are it was certified in the 1930s.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

New Zealand ranked third in 2024 for sophisticated state wide corruption by International Watchdog

According to International watchdogs , New Zealand is now third on the list for the most sosphiticated, state wide corruption, on the International corruption and Transparency index.
Much more common for New Zealand is to acquire cheap labor from overseas - China, offshore remote workers, who build sophisticated financial , criminal gain, bribery. New Zealand government departments are acquiring this kind of assistance to further enhance the landscape of New Zealand in a modern sosphicated scandal for the country.

What is the reason so many top officials in this country who are being caught for bribery, corruption and scandals, in the New Zealand government. Sitting at third place on the international corruption list, just reveals how deep and statewide this problem is. These government projects are falling into scams, and fraud - categories. While the government has billions to spend, it's profits are falling into the top officials pockets in New Zealand whether affiliated with the government or on a private level they are doing the work for this country.

New Zealand’s complicity in international fraud was also exposed by the 2016 Panama Papers, which labeled New Zealand as a tax haven. NZ has also been linked in the multi-billion-dollar Malaysian 1MDB fraud.

Most of which in 2024 can be categorized as illegal. You might have heard of the illegal occupation of some other country, what is not obvious, is the same thing is happening in 2024 in New Zealand, a massive statewide scandal, the illegal acquisition of foreign investment in this country, where the chances are you being cheated by some New Zealander for your home, food, city.

In 2020, the SFO reported that it had seen a 40% increase in cases involving public officials and central and local governments in the past five years, for corruption and serious crimes.

To summarize it in 2024 the corruption is so bad, New Zealand is losing it's grip, a major challenge for your home, lifestyle, and job, the reason why New Zealand is now third on the list , based on the previous year 2023 it was seen as a failure, to fund anti-corruption efforts which would threatens NZ standing. And now in 2024 they are third on this list for corruption on the Global transparency index.

Transparency International, that has compiled the annual Corruption Perceptions Index, and other corporate compliance watchdogs.

Aotearoa has fallen to third in the latest global corruption rankings, according to Transparency International's newest report, and as reported by local media.

New Zealand is in violation of multiple international laws and agreements. 

Study more Maori. Fly Maori Airways ☑️

They have the highest gang members and corruption in the world.

That’s why it’s called New Zealand - today they are so corrupt - the NEWS does not come out. (The Truth does not come out - it’s covered up, corruption. It’s very corrupt in New Zealand.)

There’s too many people pretending to be genuinely concerned in New Zealand, that’s why you don’t get much international news here.. that’s why you have to watch Maori Television in New Zealand, nobody understands what’s going on here. It’s not the Maori, it’s the islanders.