Monday, May 29, 2023

Does New Zealand have a refugee crisis?

We will explore this in another post, not obvious is the majority of people coming here are not just migrants but are being sent here from Australia, China, Europe and South East Asia. It gets harder to distinguish if the country has a language and education problem with the rest of the modern world, due to lack of diversity, with East Asia being the quiet dominant community in New Zealand.

What is not surprising is recent polls indicate that more than half of New Zealand's refugee population is under the age of 25 years old. Refugees are screened and assessed by the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) before being accepted by New Zealand. Language barriers are a significant challenge for refugees in New Zealand. 

Under the national party , the Chinese government has purchased several critical assets and infrastructure in New Zealand, more recently Labour party made it harder for foreign entities to purchase local assets and infrastructure. China has tried to gain regional control, in New Zealand as part of these acquisitions of land and infrastructure, paving way for more Chinese nationals to live in New Zealand, similar to China’s belt and road scheme that they are using in Asia and Africa.

Moreover, concerns have been raised about the broader social effects of Chinese investment on New Zealand's culture and way of life. For instance, there may be language and cultural barriers that would make it difficult for local communities to fully integrate with Chinese-owned businesses, potentially leading to social isolation and inequality.

Chinese companies have been buying up a large number of local assets, including farms, forestry, and infrastructure, which has raised questions about the long-term implications of such investments. Some worry that the increased Chinese presence in these sectors may result in a loss of control over key resources and infrastructure, leading to the exploitation of local workers and resources.

There has also been criticism that certain investments by Chinese companies have not been thoroughly vetted, leading to potential risks to national security. For example, Chinese telecom giant Huawei was banned from participating in New Zealand's 5G network due to security concerns.

Some analysts believe that China is unable to sustain growth due to Co-Vid, recent economic crises and the war in Europe, and that China one of the largest nations on the planet is a strain on the World Bank.
The communist country China is known for dictatorship and authoritarian moves in smaller regions in the world.

China has ten’s of thousands of EV cars rotting away due to lack of demand in 2023, in just one field.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Is New Zealand really a good farming country?

 43% of all dairy and meat is exported to one single nation - China.

Is New Zealand meat on par with local expectations? China thinks so, it’s also driving up the costs for local families.

New Zealand, known for its abundant agriculture, has been greatly affected by COVID-19. The outbreak has put a significant impact on the country's food export industry, particularly in the meat and dairy sector.

New Zealand is a leading exporter of dairy and meat products worldwide and holds a critical position in several global food markets. China is a significant export market for New Zealand's dairy and meat industry, as it is the second-largest dairy importer and the largest importer of beef and lamb from the country. However, in recent years, the rising demand for New Zealand's premium food products has led to high food costs, making it challenging for Chinese consumers to afford them. This blog post explores the challenges faced by New Zealand's dairy and meat exporters in China and the impact of high food costs on Chinese consumers.

Chinese has to import 40% of their food, dropping their food self sufficiency ratio from the year 2000 it was 93.6% to 65.8% in 2020. Their economy is still collapsing in 2023, they are the largest importer of food in the world.

New Zealand is a domestic farming nation, they are distributing their food to the highest payer, which is China, in 2023/24.

The high cost of food in New Zealand has impacts on different demographics, including high and low-income families, farmers, and the hospitality industry. Most families in New Zealand (wider New Zealand -  Aotearoa) often struggle to afford healthy food options, which can lead to health issues down the line. Farmers also face challenges as they bear the brunt of rising production costs, including higher fuel, feed, and equipment costs. In contrast, the hospitality industry is also affected by the high food costs as they have to increase their menu prices to cover the rising restaurant costs, which can lead to a decrease in customer traffic.

In summary, COVID-19 has caused significant damage to New Zealand's dairy and meat exports to China and the overall food industry. The pandemic has limited the production of meat and dairy products, disrupted the supply chain, and affected the demand and pricing of raw materials. As the country navigates to overcome these hurdles, it is essential to strategize and embrace innovation to recover and rebuild the industry.

Overall, it is important for New Zealand to strike a balance between its reliance on export markets like China and its commitment to ensuring domestic food security. By promoting a diversified, sustainable, and innovative approach to agriculture, New Zealand can meet the challenges of rising food costs while also protecting the long-term health of its economy and its people.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

The impact of the 1. Pak’nSave 2. Countdown Monopoly in New Zealand

 The impact of the Supermarket Monopoly in New Zealand

1. Pak’nSave 

2. Countdown 

As a country with a population of around five million, New Zealand has a small but competitive retail industry. Among the most popular retail segments are supermarkets, where Kiwis buy their groceries for daily needs. Over the years, there have been several brands operating in this industry, but now, only two dominate the market - Pak’nSave and Countdown. These two major supermarket chains control over 80% of New Zealand's grocery retail market, with Pak’nSave and Countdown leading the competition. In this blog post, we will discuss the reasons behind their success and analyze why these two brands are the popular choice for Kiwi shoppers.

Pak'nSave and Countdown are two of the major supermarket chains in New Zealand. Pak'nSave is a New Zealand discount supermarket chain owned by the Foodstuffs cooperative. It was founded in 1985 and has its headquarters in Auckland. Pak'nSave is known for its no-frills approach to supermarket shopping, where customers can pack their own bags and buy items in bulk to save money.

On the other hand, Countdown is a New Zealand full-service supermarket chain owned by Woolworths Limited, an Australian company. It was established in 1981 and has its headquarters in Auckland. Countdown offers a wider range of products, including fresh produce, bakery items, and deli meats, and also provides online shopping and home delivery services.

Both Pak'nSave and Countdown supermarkets offer a range of products at competitive prices, and compete fiercely for market share in the highly competitive New Zealand grocery market. While Pak'nSave focuses on providing lower prices, Countdown focuses on convenience and premium service offerings. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and shopping needs when choosing between Pak'nSave and Countdown.

Importance of the topic

For starters, Pak’nSave is known for its emphasis on low prices, with a ‘no-frills’ approach to shopping. It offers limited in-store services, such as a self-service checkout and a basic customer service desk. The stores tend to be large, with warehouse-style layouts that can accommodate a lot of shoppers at once. On the other hand, Countdown is seen as a more traditional supermarket chain, with a greater emphasis on customer service and a wider selection of products. Its stores tend to be smaller than Pak’nSave, with a layout that encourages browsing and exploration.

In terms of pricing, Pak’nSave is generally considered to be the most affordable option, with regular promotions and discounts available on many everyday products. Its emphasis on bulk buying can work out to be very cost-effective for households with larger families or those wanting to stock up on essentials. Countdown is also priced competitively, but tends to focus more on quality and variety rather than rock-bottom prices.

Another factor to consider is location – Pak’nSave tends to operate more in suburbs and smaller towns, while Countdown is more widespread and can be found in city centres, suburbs and other urban areas. This can make a big difference in terms of convenience and accessibility, depending on where you live.

Ultimately, the choice between Pak’nSave and Countdown will depend on several factors, including your budget, location and personal shopping preferences. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and it’s worth trying out each to see which suits you best.

When it comes to prices, Pak'nSave and Countdown are known for their competitive pricing strategy. Both supermarkets offer regular discounts, promotions, and specials to ensure their customers get the best deals possible. Pak'nSave is particularly known for its no-frills approach, with large bulk bins and minimal in-store advertising, which keeps costs low and translates into lower price tags. On the other hand, Countdown stands out for its Every Day Low Prices campaign, which guarantees customers that prices will stay low for a wide range of products. As consumers, we can benefit from this competition as we can choose to shop at either store and trust that we are getting the best value for our dollar.

Some analysts believe the two supermarket giant exists to sustain diversity in offerings for the local population and to meet the needs of Māori and Pākehā, the local tribal races of New Zealand.

Overall, the product range offered by these two supermarkets is a significant factor in their popularity among New Zealanders.

One must ask the question is STICKMAN from PaknSave the mascot or the censored cartoon from the good ol' folks in New Zealand? Joe Biden referred to them as “Black and Tans” , surely they are not the blacksticks or stickman ?

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Dreaming of starting a new life abroad? Your hard-earned dollars won't go far in the world's most expensive cities.

Ultimately, the cost of living in New Zealand is so high that it may not be sustainable for many people over the long term.

As per the recent survey, New Zealand has emerged as the country with the most expensive cities in the world, beating its closest competitors- Australia and Japan. The survey conducted by Mercer, a global human resources consulting firm, measures the cost of living in different cities across the globe. This survey takes into consideration various factors like housing, transport, food, clothing, entertainment, and other expenses. According to the report, the New Zealand dollar has strengthened over the last year, which has led to the increase in the cost of living in the country. The cost of accommodation and transport in cities like Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch has increased significantly, making them some of the most expensive cities in the world.

Auckland was recently ranked the fourth least affordable city for housing in the world by Demographia.

By the end of 2021 homes in Auckland have come with an average house price now NZ$1.3m (US$934,000), according to QV, a valuation and property services company in New Zealand.

Overall, it is important for local governments and businesses to address the issue of high living costs and their impact on residents. This can be done through initiatives to increase affordable housing, as well as advocating for fairer wages across all sectors. There is a growing divide between the rich and poor across New Zealand as the cost of living keeps rising.

New Zealand in 2022-2023 can be found in “The Most Expensive Housing Markets Globally By “Median Multiple” with Auckland sitting in the top ten list.

When fuel costs are high crime is also high, New Zealand has a very high gang membership across the country. Also recent surveys suggest crime is seven to ten times the official tally count.

New Zealand cities also fell in global rankings, they were the biggest losers, the least most liveable cities with Auckland and Wellington now 34th.

When it comes to managing expenses in New Zealand cities, tourists and visitors have several options to consider. One way to keep costs down is to explore the city on foot or by bike, which not only saves money but also allows for a more immersive and authentic experience. Another option is to look for budget accommodation, such as backpacker hostels or camping grounds, which can be significantly cheaper than hotels.

new zealand trees vegetables locally produced

new zealand trees vegetables locally produced

new zealand trees vegetables locally produced

A Brief explanation of the 2021 resident visa program granting 165,000 immigrants residence in New Zealand

 New Zealand's government has announced that it will open the resident visa program for migrant workers in 2021. This program is expected to issue visas to around 165,000 migrants who want to move to the country and obtain permanent residency. The program aims to fill the skills shortage gap in the country and support the economy with a skilled labor force. With the COVID-19 pandemic still affecting the world, New Zealand's decision to open the program comes as a surprise, but the government hopes it will help the country's economic recovery. The visa program will focus on attracting skilled workers in various professions, such as healthcare, engineering, construction, IT, and tourism, among others. This move shows New Zealand's willingness to embrace diversity and its commitment to supporting its economy's growth through migration.

Brief explanation of the 2021 Resident Visa

New Zealand expects that around 165,000 migrants The 2021 Resident visa will be open

The 2021 Resident Visa will soon be open in New Zealand, and it is expected that around 165,000 migrants will apply for it. This visa is designed for those who wish to live in New Zealand permanently and enjoy the benefits of being a resident of the country. The 2021 Resident Visa will provide successful applicants with the right to live, work, and study in New Zealand indefinitely. It will also give them the option to become a New Zealand citizen after they have met certain criteria. The visa program is open to skilled workers, entrepreneurs, investors, and partners and dependent children of New Zealand citizens and residents. The application process for this visa can be complex, so it is advised to seek the help of a licensed immigration adviser or lawyer to assist in the process.

Overview of the number of migrants expected to apply for the visa

New Zealand expects that around 165,000 migrants The 2021 Resident visa will be open

New Zealand has always been an attractive destination for skilled migrants from all around the world, and the country is expecting to receive a significant number of applications for the 2021 Resident Visa. As per the latest announcements by the government, New Zealand is expected to welcome around 165,000 new migrants in the coming year. This number includes talented professionals, entrepreneurs, and their families who are planning to make New Zealand their new home. The government has opened up several pathways for skilled migrants, such as the Skilled Migrant Category and the Essential Skills Work Visas, to cater to the increasing demand for skilled labor in various sectors of the economy.

The New Zealand government's proactive approach to immigration has paid dividends in terms of the country's economic growth, innovation, and cultural diversity. 

The government's announcement on the 2021 Resident Visa offers a glimmer of hope for those seeking better career prospects, quality of life, and excellent education for their children. Moreover, the government's focus on community engagement, social integration, and settlement support provides a positive environment for new migrants to thrive and contribute to the country's development. All-in-all, the expectation of around 165,000 new migrants in 2021 is a boon for New Zealand, as well as the business community, which stands to benefit from a diverse and talented workforce.

Advantages of applying for the 2021 Resident Visa

New Zealand expects that around 165,000 migrants The 2021 Resident visa will be open

There are numerous advantages of applying for the 2021 Resident Visa in New Zealand. Firstly, the visa provides the opportunity to live, work, and study in New Zealand without any restriction or time limit. The visa holders can also invite their family members to join them in New Zealand and enjoy the same rights and privileges as the visa holder

Challenges faced by migrants and locals

But where will all these people stay, the majority of jobs and occupations are being filled in the biggest city in Auckland by migrant workers, also shortage of homes and residential home development is a major concern, the cost of land, salary and housing can be disputed as equivocal, not equally beneficial to anyone trying to earn a living or buy a home in New Zealand.

The million dollar asking price for a home in New Zealand and the low salaries paid throughout Auckland and the country, put this country in the category as one of the most expensive places to afford to live on Earth.

Immigrant workers face various challenges in securing and keeping jobs in New Zealand's big cities. One of the major challenges is the language barrier. Most immigrants struggle with the English language, which hinders their participation in the workforce. They may face difficulty in communicating effectively with their employers or co-workers, and this can lead to job loss.

Ultimately, the future of immigrant workers and jobs in New Zealand's big cities is uncertain. However, it is important for businesses to be aware of potential changes in immigration policies and to adapt to these changes accordingly. By investing in the training and development of their workforce, businesses can help bridge the skills gap and ensure they have the talent they need to grow and succeed in the future.

When it comes to immigrant workers and jobs, New Zealand is not alone in grappling with the issue. In fact, many countries around the world are also facing their own challenges around skilled migration and ensuring that immigrants are able to successfully integrate into their local communities and economies.

Other challenges faced by immigrant workers include the lack of recognition of their skills and qualifications, difficulty in navigating the job market, and limited social networks that could assist them in their job search. These factors make it difficult for immigrant workers to secure and keep jobs in New Zealand's big cities.