As the summer season arrives, more people are prepared for water emergencies. More communities and institutions are maintaining high levels of readiness, increasing awareness and storing supplies.
Rainfall has been above average this year, meaning there has been enough water in the soil to survive winter. This means there is a higher risk of heavy downpours in the summer months, and potentially flooding events.
This is not great news for car owners, as 1000s of cars, and public system was affected, blocking motorways, airports, and cancelling flights for nearly 30,000 people.
Increased rainfall in recent years mean more people are aware of what to do if it rains heavily. This includes having a way to protect your home or business from rising waters.
This year saw two major floods occur in New Zealand – These were not too serious by international standards, but be aware that New Zealand homes and businesses are protected by water levels being higher than expected.
These floods were caused by an intense rainstorm which hit just after midsummer – this was an unusual year with so much precipitation.
Flood insurance is now available for new and existing homes in most New Zealand cities. The cost can be a little pricey, but it is greatly appreciated when it is in place.
If you live in an area that is at risk of a flood, it is good to know how to prepare. The best way is to get out of town as soon as possible if a flood occurs.
Red Cross volunteers are working hard to provide comfort and care to those who have been affected by this tragedy. It is very difficult work, with many taking on generous amounts of water, food, clothing and travel kits to offer help.
As mentioned earlier, NZ flood advisors recommend having two weeks’ worth of food and water supply on hand. These are important to remember as well- food and water are more expensive during such an event.
Aucklanders are living in fear of the next flood. has data on the floor height of your home and the area that your home borders to determine if flood insurance is available.
If it is, then your home will be covered up to the amount by insurance that pays out for water damage or flooding. This coverage can help you get back in your house quickly if you need to move-it may not be 100% reliable, but still worth thinking about!
While there has not been a major event like this in New Zealand, it is important to be prepared. You can make a great difference by having someplace you can go in case of an incident such as a long-term power outage.