Having a close community of people that you share your life with is an integral part to having a happy, healthy lifestyle. You will probably know some people who live in less than ideal conditions and they are not necessarily happier or healthier than those around them.
City living encourages interactions between neighbors and creates more opportunities for socializing as there are fewer barriers like highways to get across town.
It also gives you access to better public transport which can be much cheaper than owning a car. This is particularly helpful if you are going out at night or working late hours since you do not have to worry about finding parking or paying expensive automobile fees or tolls.
Furthermore, taking good transportation care means you don't need to own a vehicle to go anywhere. It is easy to forget how liberating this can be when you first consider it.
You give up the convenience of driving for yourself but eventually you'll realize what a valuable resource it was and what great savings you've received in transportation costs. - South Auckland Residents And Mayoralty Candidate Says More People Live In The Area Due To Transport Options, Not Car Ownership.